SFC r2p invest KZ LLP
Growing financial opportunities, sustainable success!
LLP "Special financial company" r2p invest KZ "
Created in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On project financing and securitization".

LLP "Special financial company" r2p invest KZ "
established in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On project financing and securitization". The subject of the company's activity is the acquisition of the rights of claim to borrowers for the payment of funds under credit agreements, loan agreements and (or) other obligations and the issuance of bonds secured by allocated assets.

Our investor is R2P INVEST PTE, Ltd., Singapore, which has many years of experience in international investment. It is one of the world's strongest players in debt advisory and management thanks to its well-established processes and fair dealings.


LLP "Special financial company" r2p invest KZ" offers a genuine opportunity to make successful investments.
  • 1. Assessment of NPL Portfolios
    Based on predetermined requirements and criteria, we select portfolios that are suitable for investments, and at the same time, we assess the credibility of the lender.
  • 2. Approval and Purchase
    Once the selected NPL portfolio meets our required criteria, the approval of the Investment Committee is required. After their endorsement, the selected NPL portfolio is purchased.
  • 3. Handover for Collection
    Our partner MBA Consult takes care of the management and collection of the purchased NPL portfolio.
  • 4. Return of Investments

    With the gradual collection of originally non-performing loans, the investment, together with its valuation, returns to us within a pre-planned time horizon.